So this guy is a journalist, Neil Strauss, that made a career writing books about how to pick up women basically.
He ended up unable to have a meaningful relationship with his girlfriend and cheated.
I don't want to give too much of his story away as it's really a great story to read (or listen I have it on audible)
The book follows him from cheating on his girlfriend, to sex addiction rehab, his exploration of alternative lifestyles and ultimately his conclusions.
My husband wasn't a sex addict but I just came across the book and thought it sounded interesting - it was. Obviously this is a person with access to the rich and famous and he lives a lifestyle most of us would never live, but at the same time what we find is he's really just a normal guy.
It's quite long, but worth a read. Lots of insight.
[This message edited by Chilli at 2:37 PM, February 28th (Sunday)]