Getting back on point . About 6 months ago they finally hired a property manager / grounds keeper. I'll call him Tex . I noticed that my wife talked about him all the time. I was careful to listen. He is late 20's
I finally started asking questions about Tex . All I got was short answers. Then one day she just stopped talking about him completely. When I did ask she got very defensive.
Then many times late at night she would get texts. Anytime I would ask who it was, she would say , i dont know or wrong number . Yet I noticed it was the same text tone everytime.
This got me wondering....I have no access to her phone as it's always with her. Even takes it with her to shower ect.
So I started to read some forums on infidelity and other internet red flags ect.
I purchased 2 VARs from Amazon and had them delivered to my work.
I put one in our office at home and one under the seat of her truck.
It was then that I found out that she doesn't make or take calls from her truck . Instead she uses Google speech to text.
One that I caught thru the engine noise was this :
WW read my last text message
Unknown man hey can you grab me a coffee and what time will you be here ?
WW Sure I'll be there by 5:15am
Unknown man you feeling frisky this morning ?
WW Can you rise to the occasion ?
Unknown man oh yeah , meet me at 25
More to come....