This is interesting and difficult. I’m going to write something to you that comes from the deepest recesses of my heart and soul. It’s something I would write to myself just 3 years ago. It is, at it’s core, the honest truth. You may or may not wish to read it, you won’t want to believe it, you will feel attacked and misunderstood… but it’s the truth. And believe me, even 3 years ago, I would respond the same way.
I think at your core, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what boundaries and healthy masculinity really mean. By no means is this an attack on you as a person, in no way am I saying you aren’t a man, and I am not belittling you. Please allow me to explain.
Let’s unpack some things - Boundaries
You stopped setting them because they upset her. You then make the natural conclusion that your boundaries are aggressive, abusive and hurtful. Therefore setting boundaries is unkind and not something that a nice man would do. This is wrong, it’s a logical fallacy. There is no grey area, it’s just wrong (and very rarely do I speak in absolutes). Boundaries are not controlling, and anybody that says they are, is either intentionally manipulating and emotionally abusing you, or is so emotionally immature that they see consequences of their own actions as abuse. (Or, what you call boundaries are actually controlling behaviors - but this is not what I’m talking about). So what are they?
You don’t set boundaries by controlling people. You don’t say "you will not cheat on me again, you will be home at 9pm, you are not going out with your friends…." That is not a boundary, it’s controlling and abusive behavior. Boundaries are for you, and you alone. They are your lines in the sand, and they are followed by actions YOU WILL TAKE to get yourself away from an unfavorable situation. You say "if you cheat on me again, I am leaving. If you lie to me again, I will not stay in this relationship. If you contact your AP again, I am filing for divorce and will not reconcile." Then you follow through - YOU FOLLOW THROUGH WITH NO EXCEPTIONS OR FLEXIBILITY. Words without the willingness to act are worthless. They have no power but to hurt. If your wife is hurt or triggered by your boundaries that is HER problem, not yours. And it doesn’t say anything about YOU that she is triggered by reasonable boundaries. It says worlds about her - and none of it is good. If you change your boundaries to accommodate her feelings two things will be guaranteed to happen - she will have no respect for you, and you will have no respect for yourself. The outcome of those 2 things will be a horrific relationship and your deep unhappiness in life. If the outcome of your boundaries is to make her unhappy and not want the marriage - so be it. Because while losing the marriage is traumatic, it is far far worse to live with someone who does not respect your boundaries. Even worse to be a person who does not respect their own boundaries.
So you do what all nice guys do. You cave. You absorb the fallout to keep the peace. You think that by doing this you are making her life more pleasant, more tolerable, you are giving her space. It seems right, because she’s nicer now. She’s happier now. You’re a good husband now. It’s all a facade, it’s a Potemkin marriage. Underneath the surface you are planting seeds of contempt, disrespect, and resentment. You plant them, you water them, you tend the plants. Then you don’t understand a month from now why she’s cheating again. After all, you made it as comfortable as you could because you’re a nice guy!
Your fatal flaw here is thinking that a nice guy, is a good man. He’s not. A nice guy is manipulative, and at his core he is also emotionally abusive - though unintentionally. He creates covert contracts and then breeds resentment when his needs are not met. Because he doesn’t know how to state his needs, and hold healthy boundaries when they aren’t being met. Because he thinks that doing so would be abusive. A nice guy tries to create situations where his needs will be met (like backing down from your boundaries to appease your wife’s mood in the hopes that she will start to come around to your way of thinking). What a good man would actually do, is respectfully state what his needs are, and then set the boundary that if they aren’t being met - he’s gone. Nice guys are actually not nice, they’re just well intentioned, emasculated, and deep down very angry though they cover it in layers of fake happiness…like a malignant pearl.
Somewhere along the way, men in our generations have been raised to think that masculinity is bad. It’s not. Women can detect genuine masculinity better than any man can, but they cannot teach it. They know it when they see it, often times they’re drawn to it, but it can’t be taught. Similarly, no man can teach femininity (maybe they think they can, they grew up around women, but they cannot), but they know it when they see it. People have abused each other for so long (historically, or perhaps more openly, men have abused women in higher numbers), that masculinity became this evil notion, it became synonymous with jerk, asshole, abuser. Men, took this a step further and figured that being a nice guy would then be seen as attractive. But it’s not. Nice guys are not attractive. KIND MEN are attractive. Toxic masculinity is not real masculinity, toxic masculinity is abuse, real masculinity is genuine, and while it involves being firm at times (and this firmness is not often met with acceptance by those on the receiving end, it’s actually healthy, and in the end - it is respected). A kind man is someone who treats people with respect, but he has respect FOR HIMSELF FIRST AND FOREMOST. He does not cower from uncomfortable situations, he does not back down from his boundaries. He enforces them in an honest, yet firm and consistent way. A kind man would express empathy for your wife’s discomfort with boundaries, but he would never sacrifice his boundaries due to her discomfort. Any more than an emotionally healthy woman would back down from her boundaries because it made a man uncomfortable.
You seem to think that a poor reaction from her is due to an unreasonable action from you. Stop it. You don’t control anything in her. Her emotional reactions to you are from her own issues, not yours. You can’t fix her. But if you want to keep her broken, by all means keep doing what you’re doing.. This does not mean you are responsible for her brokenness, but it does suggest you are enabling it.
Here’s the kicker in the end. What you are doing appears to be producing the correct effects (she’s happier, nicer you gave her space etc etc). What it is really doing is degrading her respect for you…which she may not have much of anyways. Because really man, what is there to respect? Women don’t generally respect men who don’t respect themselves. They don’t respect men they can control, they don’t respect men who will cave to some tears and confrontation. Why? Because you are unsafe. In the wild it means you don’t have the willingness to do difficult things if they make people uncomfortable, you won’t be there for her when she needs you because she knows how easily you back down. She knows that at some deep and fundamental level, she cannot trust you to be there for her, protect her and support her. Why? Because all it takes is some anger or sadness to make you back down. That is not masculine. It is not attractive. It will not get your needs met. If you won’t stand up TO her, you will not stand up FOR her.
My strong advice to you is learn how to stand up for yourself. Learn to set healthy boundaries and stick to them - even if they seem to have a detrimental effect on her emotional state. You have to be willing to walk away or you will lose everything - and maybe the result of you learning to respect yourself and hold healthy boundaries is the destruction of your marriage, while sad, that is ok and healthy. It seems counterintuitive, but it is true. And what you’ll find is that you can be gentle, and kind, and empathetic, and caring and still set firm and respectful boundaries. THAT - that is true masculinity. And that is what women will ultimately respect and desire. A man that caves at any sign of discomfort but is NICE about it - that is not masculine, attractive or respectful.
She will just keep cheating, and controlling and abusing you until there’s nothing left. Then she’ll leave you.
Again, this all may seem harsh. It’s exactly what I would tell myself just 3 years ago. And 3 years ago, I’d probably respond exactly how you are responding above. I have these recommendations for you:
1) Talk to your therapist about why you think setting healthy boundaries is actually controlling. Talk to them about how you should interpret her negative reactions to your very reasonable and healthy boundaries, and see if you can explore why it’s unhealthy to cave on them just to make her less angry.
2) Read the book "No More Mr Nice Guy" by Dr Glover - don’t let the title fool you, it’s not about being an asshole. It's about being genuine and honest. It won’t fix all your problems, but it will be a good reference for you. Like this site, take from it what you need.
3) Start getting comfortable with confrontation. Start standing up for yourself in healthy ways. This does not mean you need to troll downtown looking for fights. It’s ok to de-escalate, it’s not ok to let people walk all over you - especially not your spouse (whether it’s husband or wife).
4) Stop mistaking comfort for happiness and healthiness. Stop mistaking her being happier that she doesn’t have to face reality with progress. Don’t mistake her being nice and accommodating as progress, or as a sign that she’s, at a deep level, happy and respectful of your behavior.
All of what I wrote is from my heart. And like I’ve said several times I know this because I have lived it. I was you! So have many here. This is also not male-centric advice, I just framed it that way because we are both men.
You are going to have to start embracing the discomfort of making your wife unhappy, to set your own healthy boundaries. Otherwise, your marriage is doomed. It may already be.
I wish you peace. I’m so sorry you’re here.
[This message edited by justsendit at 11:22 AM, Sunday, January 12th]