BS(me) 46, Two wonderful teens.
He is no longer my best friend. Repeat until it sticks.
WH says marriage is over: May 15, 2009.
EA#2 July 20, 2009. Legally sep: Aug 16, 2009. DIVORCED!!!! Signed Nov 23, final Dec 24, 2010, adultery listed.
how to locate keylogger or other app?
Hi all. This isn't for me but for a friend who's H recently told her he's done and wants out of the marriage. (not sure yet if it's a WH). She is having anxiety attacks because he's making comments to her that he can hear all her calls and knows everything she does on her phone.
Does anyone know how she can check her phone to see if he has put a keylogger or listening device/app on her phone? I told her I would ask since I had "connections". Thanks.
6 comments posted: Tuesday, November 28th, 2017