"Betray a friend, and you'll often find
you have ruined yourself"
Can someone look up a cell # ?
My friend found some texts on her husbands phone. Is anyone willing to plug it into Facebook or look to see who owns the number? PM me. Thanks.
5 comments posted: Wednesday, January 25th, 2017
The Girl On the Train
Wow. Just finished it. Had no idea when I picked it up that it was almost completely about infidelity, albeit surrounded by a murder mystery.
Some parts were triggery, but overall a decent read with a Gone Girl feel.
I didn't read anything about the author, but am assuming she either reads this site or one like it for insight, or she's been through it herself.
Anyone read it? I see a movie is coming out next month.
5 comments posted: Monday, September 19th, 2016