Newest Member: Chubbycat


Can single dads get dates

I have come out of a long term relationship with my kids mother. Basically my question is are single dads viewed as attractive and can they attract women. My personal circumstances are i have both my daughters full time as their mother left us all when she left the relationship. My youngest daughter has behaviour and attachment issues and the only people who can look after them overnight is my parents who live a hour away. What are my chances of finding someone.

30 comments posted: Sunday, July 19th, 2020

Sex with someone new terrifies me.

hi all, I am out of a 12 year relationship with my ex fiancee. I lost my virginity to this girl at 18 so she is the only girl I have ever been with. Now at 30 and only having ever had one sexual partner with whome i shared everything with and was so comfortable sexually with i am now very nervous of when I eventually have a new sexual partner. My looks and overall confidence is not a issue its more like i feel less experienced than the average person of my age. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

29 comments posted: Saturday, July 18th, 2020

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