Newest Member: Vic86


Same sex cheating

I (32F) have been married to my husband (31M) for nearly 6 years, together for 8. We have two young children age 4 and 2. I found out 6 weeks ago that he cheated on me when my eldest was a baby. He has kept it a secret for nearly 4 years and I only found out because I came across some old messages on his laptop.

It has come to light that unbeknownst to me he is actually bisexual. He had never had a sexual experience with a man and so decided this was the time to pursue it. He created an account on a hookup site and arranged to meet two separate men for a sexual experience. He lied to me about why he was late coming home. He had been messaging men online for months prior to this.

I am absolutely devastated and I’m not sure I will ever be able to see past this. He says he loves me but how can he love me and have such little respect for me and our marriage vows? I honestly don’t know what to do.

6 comments posted: Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

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