Knowing how helpful this post was for me, I thought it would be helpful for others if I posted an update. I initially made this list in February 2023, about 2 weeks out from Dday. I'm now over 18 months out and things have definitely changed for the better!
-I'll be alone forever.
REALITY: Nope, I have a gorgeous boyfriend I've been seeing for over a year. He makes me laugh, makes a good living, and loves animals like I do. We travel and experience new things together...I've been to two three-Michelin starred restaurants and we are going to another one this week. I love food and had never gone to anyplace like this with XH. Is this the person for the rest of my life? I don't know, but it's good now.
-I'm too old, fat, and ugly for anyone to want.
REALITY: See above. Boyfriend runs marathons.
-I won't get a fair share in the divorce/separation. Or more accurately, we'll split everything 50/50, which feels unfair as I did nothing wrong.
REALITY: Not even close! I had XH (at the time STBXH) sign a separation agreement soon after this post that gave me the house without having to pay him anything (basically gave me his equity) and he has to pay alimony until 2030!
-People will think there's something wrong with me that my WH cheated.
REALITY: I've not heard this even once and I've been very open with everyone, both new and old, about what caused the end of my marriage. I have heard things about the state of the marriage, as if it must have been bad for him to cheat, but no one seems to have blamed me. Basically everyone just comments what a POS he is.
-I'll find out about even more APS.
REALITY: Hasn't happened, possibly in part because I haven't looked. I went NC with XH immediately after. While I've not gotten the closure talk that might have helped, I also didn't learn about any other APs.
-I'll have to sell my house and move into a terrible apartment.
REALITY: Nope! See above
-I won't be able to do my job well enough and I'll be fired.
REALITY: I did my job so well I was given several promotions. I eventually left that job for one that literally DOUBLED my salary and still provides a good work/life balance.
-I'll have to give up some/all of my pets.
REALITY: Also nope, although some days when they misbehave I question it. I still have all 3 furry assholes. He agreed to this in the separation agreement.
-People won't believe I did nothing wrong.
REALITY: I honestly don't know about this one. No one has said this, but I also don't care anymore.
-People will think he did this to me bc I gained weight/got older.
REALITY: Same as immediately above. Maybe some will think that, but those people suck.
-I'll be lonely.
REALITY: I am, sometimes, but mostly my life is so full I have to put friends on my calendar at least a week in advance bc it's my first available time. Also, for literally the first time in my entire life I can imaging a life without a partner in a way that doesn't seem sad or lonely.
-I'm scared of the work it will take to keep my life busy, when before I could just go home to him.
REALITY: This is true, maintaining friendships takes a lot of work, but is also incredibly fulfilling. I've made some new friends and reconnected with others.
REALITY: I really was scared of this, wasn't I? I listed it twice! I was scared of those nights where I'd have nothing planned and would look at going home alone as depressing. I don't feel that way often now, but when I do (and actually have a night with nothing planned) I am excited to get stuff done around the house or I'll take myself out to dinner and movie.
-I loved the life I had before, I fear I'll never be that happy/content again.
REALITY: Honestly? The jury is still out on this one. I still miss the life I had before, but I have started to see real upsides to my new life; things that are valuable and meaningful, but couldn't have occurred had the cheating and divorce never occurred. So, I'll keep you posted!