Echo, my timeline is very close to yours, sep approx 2 years, and my divorce is final.
I waffle back and forth between feeling bummed, and then feeling really positive about my life and the future. Some days, (like today), I feel sad, lonely, depressed and think "is this as good as it gets?" ...I have to push myself to exercise regularly, eat right, volunteer, reach out to friends, etc....but sometimes it still feels like I'm faking it. But I am determined to fake it till I make it!
Other days, I feel true happiness and peace with my life, my activities, and myself. I choose to believe that gradually, the pendulum will shift and I will have more positive days than negative.
I share theLostOne2020's sentiments that even on my 'bad days', they're still better than being where I was with the ex.
May I suggest trying to set daily small, realistic daily goals? I make an actual list so I can cross them off as I do each task and it really helps to give me a sense of accomplishment, even if the items on my list are as mundane as Go to Post Office to buy stamps, or mail a "I'm thinking of you" card to a friend or relative. Add an exercise task like "walk 20 minutes outside", and anything else that won't add stress to your day.
As for Social things, despite the pandemic, I refuse to live like a hermit. I am selective, smart and safe about my outings. (Even people who have restricted all contact are testing positive.) And I believe we still need that human contact and as much as you love your parents, some other adult stimuli/interaction is needed to get you out of this funk. Maybe you can invite just 2 or 3 ladies/friends/anybody over for a Wine Down Wednesday gathering, or a card or Scrabble night, a parking lot party with chairs set up 6 feet apart- you may just find that the people you invite need this interaction more than you do!...
I certainly don't have this figured out but I'm trying, and I hope you find these suggestions helpful. Lastly, hang out here on SI and let these fabulous people help you get over his blip on your radar and back on track to feeling good about your choices and your life. We're all here for you!