Thanks for all the kinds words of support. SI never lets me down.
I hope, for your sake, your wife will be amicable throughout.
I feel confident that we will both be as amicable as possible. Of course, that's now. We'll see what happens as this all begins to play-out.
D after R is hard: you feel as though you have failed at something you obviously believed in.
Oh, I so truly wanted to believe it. My STBX did everything she could to make me believe in it, that she wanted me, wanted us. She had me convinced enough that when W2BHA encouraged (er hem) me to post in the PRS thread, I wrote about how far my wife had come and how hard she tried.
We never went to marriage counselling. At first, shortly after d-day, I absolutely refused. Once I'd felt we'd reconciled, however, I offered to go. Perhaps I could have scheduled a session myself. I don't know if that would have helped any (not all therapists are created equally). All I know is that I didn't try and that's on me.
I think we got married for the wrong reasons. A member here once wrote about "broken attracting broken." I think that's us.
Do I feel as if I failed? In some ways I do. I failed to accept that infidelity is something I could ever move past, get over, reconcile with for me.
I had my first experience with infidelity as a child. I'm pretty sure my father cheated on my mother was I about 10 years old. He will never discuss it with me because "it's very private," and my mother passed away many years ago. I do know that when they tried separating (I was about 15 or 16), and she moved out for a bit, he took full advantage of that opportunity. They finally got divorced after I graduated HS.
When I was 17, I was betrayed by my first love and one of my best friends. That, folks, left an indelible impression, a deeply ingrained tenet that infidelity is a deal-breaker, pure and simple, black and white, right and wrong.
I stayed for my son. That's the truth.
The way all of this changes us is something only those who’ve been through it understand.
Dem, I'm still trying to understand it all myself (big reason to get back into therapy). But yes, it changes us. It strips us down to the fucking bone, flesh shredded, and all our guts and foibles, vulnerabilities and foo shit strewn upon the very ground upon which stand, shaking, terrified and oh... so raw.
My wife was already contemplating a trial separation or divorce months before she finally decided enough was enough. After discovery, she told me she didn't think I loved her anymore and that she didn't think I'd care. I could understand that then and still understand and accept it today. Our marriage was already hanging on by a thread. Still, I loved her and would most certainly care that my wife was fucking another man.
And then came: "I thought this would finally give you the excuse you've been looking for to divorce me." So, yeah, even then, I understood. She'd had enough. Of course, ever since then she's adamantly denied that she ever intended to end our marriage. You know... that's not what she did. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? (still a little waywardness I suppose).
I think my STBX truly wants to believe that our divorce is mostly (if not all) my fault. She did everything to make it work and I fell short. She was right and I was wrong. That could be my own internal wiring misfiring, but I'm also smart enough and perceptive enough to read the writing on the wall (even if I really don't want to).
I'm no saint, folks. I have my own foo shit that, once again, I thought I'd dealt with, and I'm finally accepting that being conflict avoid and depressed at the same time is a fucked-up place to be (can't avoid the truth).
Change occurs when the pain of same exceeds the pain of change.
So, it's time for a change and I think we both recognize that the change we need to make is a divorce.
ETA: One of the things I realized over the many years of being on SI is that people who tend to avoid conflict first and foremost avoid the conflicts within. Avoiding my own internal conflicting views about infidelity and wanting to reconcile to stay for the kid created a road block to healing that I never anticipated. Now I have to figure out why.
[This message edited by Unhinged at 9:29 AM, May 8th (Saturday)]