Topic is Sleeping.
JanaGreen ( member #29341) posted at 5:29 AM on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
I seem to remember reading something about how if you've had HSV-1, which many people are exposed to as kids, you won't have as bad symptoms with HSV-2. Who knows, but I do get cold sores fairly frequently and they are the suck. Maybe that's why the HSV-2 doesn't do anything to me.
13years, I'm so sorry you have had such a struggle with it.
13YearsR ( member #58259) posted at 3:09 PM on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
You mentioned I should ask him how severe it is for him. That doesn't necessarily tell me how severe it will be with me, though, I would think I mean it's all the same virus, but our immune systems deal with it differently it appears. All I know is he gets symptoms maybe twice a year.
The frequency of his outbreaks would mean more risk to you. I could have worded that better. Twice a year ain't bad. Again, I think it's a very good sign that he was so transparent about it.
...if you've had HSV-1, which many people are exposed to as kids, you won't have as bad symptoms with HSV-2
I've heard that, too. I don't have HSV-1. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!
I'm so sorry you have had such a struggle with it.
Thank you. I get PISSED on occasion that it hit me harder than everyone else involved when I'm the innocent party, but most of the time I deal with it well.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. ~ Gloria Steinem
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because you're not over there messing it up.
DDay 2004. Successful R. 33 years married
WhoTheBleep (original poster member #49504) posted at 4:13 PM on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
I've heard that, too. I don't have HSV-1. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!
13, I have read numerous articles that state if you have hsv2, it provides immunity to hsv-1. The reverse is not true, unfortunately.
By age 50, 80 to 90% of people on planet Earth have HSV-1. You will probably never get it!
[This message edited by WhoTheBleep at 10:15 AM, July 21st (Wednesday)]
I believe we have two lives: the one we learn with, and the one we live with after that. --The Natural
JanaGreen ( member #29341) posted at 5:35 PM on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
WTB, I guess that would explain why my ex never caught HSV-1 from me. He tested negative for it when he got his positive for HSV-2. I tested positive for both, but my antibody level for HSV-1 was way way higher than it was for HSV-2, and while it's not an exact science, that does indicate that the hsv-2 infection was much newer. In retrospect, I believe that he had had at least one outbreak that a doctor misdiagnosed as skin tags. So he did have some symptoms, but not a lot.
WhoTheBleep (original poster member #49504) posted at 7:03 PM on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
I believe that he had had at least one outbreak that a doctor misdiagnosed as skin tags.
WTH? Skin tags look nothing like herpes. Name the Dr so we can all steer clear😂. I can see misdiagnosing HPV with skin tags...but a cold sore? Nooooo
Interesting about your antibodies, Jana.
I believe we have two lives: the one we learn with, and the one we live with after that. --The Natural
JanaGreen ( member #29341) posted at 7:16 PM on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
Who knows, I'm going on the word of my lying liar ex so he could have made AAALLLLLL that up about the skin tags.
WhoTheBleep (original poster member #49504) posted at 10:24 PM on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
Oh, Jana, he totally made it up! Haha, cheaters lie!
I believe we have two lives: the one we learn with, and the one we live with after that. --The Natural
Topic is Sleeping.