Topic is Sleeping.
homewrecked2011 (original poster member #34678) posted at 12:22 PM on Tuesday, August 10th, 2021
Definitely the littering is the main thing that I can ask for help with. I also want to be able to see how often he is driving by, for my own info.
I just remembered that he hated being in the wrong in front of his atty. During the legal separation, and other times after the D, his atty was able to shut him down when my atty called his.
I think if I get video, my atty might be able to give his atty a call if it shows he’s going by more than 1x a day (not sure if he is), and throwing beer cans in my yard every time.
Also my xh and ow have used this atty for other stuff, so my guess is he’ll want to keep him, so he might listen to his atty even though the D was so long ago.
Sometimes He calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage, but calms His child. Dday 12/19/11I went to an attorney and had him served. Shocked the hell out of him, with D papers, I'm proud to say!D final10/30/2012Me-55
Papercoversrock ( member #50538) posted at 7:02 PM on Tuesday, August 10th, 2021
Throwing beer cans from a vehicle is also likely a violation of open container laws in your state.
Good luck
homewrecked2011 (original poster member #34678) posted at 3:17 AM on Wednesday, August 11th, 2021
Oh my gosh!!
Ever since Dday it seems like my mind doesn’t connect all the dots.
It damn sure is against the law to drink a beer in a truck and throw out the can.
Thank you for this!!
We also have mutual restraining orders in our D decree. I need to look up and see how restrictive they are.
[This message edited by homewrecked2011 at 3:19 AM, Wednesday, August 11th]
Sometimes He calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage, but calms His child. Dday 12/19/11I went to an attorney and had him served. Shocked the hell out of him, with D papers, I'm proud to say!D final10/30/2012Me-55
Topic is Sleeping.