Thank y’all so much for these responses. That was a pretty brilliant analogy about the animal borrowing in the hole. I’m guessing if you knew his name, it would match my husbands! Ha ha
That makes perfect sense. Also, I am very aware of the phrase, "FAIR doesn’t mean everybody gets the same thing. It means everybody gets what they need."
Epic failing grade for that one!
As I pour over these responses, the nagging thought in the back of my brain goes back to someone’s comment about if the person is not willing to be present for another person, then there’s not much sense in discussing matters at all, because there is nothing to be gained. Because there will be no real relationship.
My relationship with my H has shifed. I have given up on making efforts to save our relationship that I think was fatally wounded with his actions…followed by him not being willing or able to do the work to heal. Which was actually the worst part of the whole situation for me. Our marriage not being worth the effort.
And now it is turned to existing peacefully together, and me showing him kindness and concern and providing care for him when he needs it. And in turn, he is appreciating that, and the irritations between us have subsided for the most part.
And as so many have experienced, either live-in separation, divorce, and/or death have not necessarily diminished the need (for me) to communicate about certain things.
I’m sure if we were still "working to heal" and he was reading this, he would say, "If you feel disrespected when you want to talk and I don’t want to talk, why don’t you understand that I feel equally disrespected when you try to make me talk when I don’t want to." And I get that. But the outcome has always been the same — it is always dealt with on his terms.
The solution is obvious…there is a compromise…one time talking at that time, and one time scheduling it for later.
I don’t think that I’m wasting my time on the fact that many times things are not fair in life. Sick children, war, famine, domestic violence… The fact that life isn’t fair is a no-brainer.
I think it’s more that I can’t COMPREHEND why ANYONE would feel that it’s ok for one person to always have it their way. But I guess only in a situation where both parties truly want to heal and are willing to do the work for that to happen, would it really matter. Because in the situation I have been describing, obviously the person who expects their way every time is not really willing to do the work.
Thanks for listening to my banter. As you can tell, it is very much a sore spot for me. But I feel a tremendous amount of empathy and sadness for those of you who are still struggling and are still facing this kind of an equity.
[This message edited by WhatsRight at 6:04 PM, Tuesday, October 25th]