So sorry you found yourself on SI...
Do I just throw in the towel...or do I give things another go as he wants to?
My situation was very similar to yours... to begin with at the time of the 1st DDay... But it didn't end with just online at the end. He did make a decision to meet 2 of the OW's in public places and in person while on vacation in the other country. That was Dday2 discovery about 1 year after DD1. I hope this is not your case, but I think you should ask him for the detailed timeline if you don't want to throw the towel just yet. And then schedule the polygraph, though it is not foolproof. In my case, my fWH stopped his behavior on his own, DD1 was about 1 year thereafter.
Demand no contact (NC) with all AP's. He must send a message to every one of them telling NC. And do this in front of you.
What you describe is a sort of addiction. On the other hand, do you know if he uses porn? Is he in IC?
I am at fault also of course for allowing things to slip so far
His A's are not your fault. They were HIS own decisions and show his true character.
He is so heavily involved with family and friends who love him dearly...I am left to deal with this on my own.
I didn't tell our families, but I know his family knows. However, after some time I told 2 people not related to family. And that was very good, because the mask was taken off from "devoted husband and father". One person was my distant relative who knew 1 OW, and the other was "just friend" OW. Really, exposure is important.
Please read healing library, take a good and loving care of yourself. To be on a safe side, schedule STD test and demand this from your WH as well.
Healing and strength to you! It will be a journey of self-discovery too.
[This message edited by TruthIsPower at 12:49 AM, Monday, November 7th]
"Stop giving people the reasons to love you. Not all will see the beauty of your soul. Those who know, those who know who you are, will love you with something fierce and never let you go. Those are the ones worth holding out for."