I haven't heard much from her anymore. I'm still angry. All the lies, manipulation, gaslighting, replacing me with the AP.
I love to quote Yoda.
Let go of your anger. It only leads to the dark side.
More seriously, you being angry about this bullshit in the past... is kind of like you poisoning yourself because of something that someone else did. Let it go. Move on. I know that it's hard, but it's what you need to do.
Even putting DD in the middle and manipulating her. I nipped that in the bud hard.
Correct. Protect your child.
Tonight my WW called and read a 30 min book chapter to my DD. Which begs my next question. When does stuff like that start to cross lines into interference with my time w DD.
Your child has a right to TWO loving parents. I would absolutely let this go; in fact, I would ENCOURAGE it. There is the derogatory term of "Disney Dad," which is the dad who rarely spends time with his kids but when he does... he lavishes them with gifts.
There is a big difference between spending money on your kids and spending your time with your kids. It's is a MUCH bigger commitment to spend time with your kids than it is to spend money on your kids. I seriously doubt that your ex will keep this up -- it's too hard and she is too selfish. Right now, the divorce is new and shiny and she wants to make herself look good to your daughter. By the way, in the slim chance that she *does* keep this up? That means that your ex is being a good mother and that's actually what you want.
You need to stop looking at your situation through your eyes. You love your daughter and you need to start looking at this situation through HER eyes. Her entire world just got blown up and it's less her fault than it is yours. You be a great parent. You encourage your ex to be a great parent (which includes 30 minutes of reading, if possible!).
You also teach your daughter to have boundaries and that she can trust you. I hope that I am wrong (for your daughter's sake), but the same traits that you describe about your ex... are the same traits of a detached mother. You should stop "teach a 30+ yo child how to act appropriately" but you should encourage her to be a good parent, because that's not likely to happen for the long term.
Prepare yourself for the impossible: You are going to have to parent double time -- meaning, you have to compensate for the parenting that your ex does not provide.
Me: Crap, I'm 50 years old. D-Day: August 30, 2016. Two years of false reconciliation. Divorce final: Feb 1, 2021. Re-married: December 3, 2022.