I seem to agree with you, people. I told my wife that CC, right now, is not a good idea. I told her that she needed to do IC specialized in infidelity before getting into CC. She was surprised and disappointed that I wasn't on board with her. She asked me why it was a bad idea to do CC now. I replied that I don't believe she is ready for it yet. I told her that she still doesn't fully understand what she has done to me. It's been more than 5 months since dday. We have had plenty of dialogue concerning her affair, and only a few times has she made attempts to understand the depth of my pain. Whenever I have a trigger or express my despair or anger through words or body language, she just hugs me and apologizes for her actions. I initially liked it because it's been a few years since I got that much physical affection and attention from her on a daily basis. But pretty soon it got annoying because, pretty much, that's all she ever did. Hug and apologize! She rarely asked questions to understand the severity of my pain. Either she doesn't want to go through shame and embarrassment by finding out how much her actions have hurt me, or she just simply doesn't care about my feelings. I am inclined to believe it's the former.
Before her attempt at S, she always talked about how sorry she was, how stupid she was (for cheating on me), how much her inner emptiness was responsible for her actions, how much she wanted to save this marriage etc etc. It was mostly about her and rarely about me. After her attempt, after starting her therapy, the conversation is now about how much her therapy is helping her, how stupid she was (for not communicating with me about her issues), how she is now learning to look inward to fill her inner void etc etc. I am happy that she is digging through her issues, trying to understand and work on them, but I still feel frustrated that when I talk about my feelings, she immediately shuts down and goes into 'hug and apologize' mode. I pointed this out to her today. I called her out on how she is actively trying to avoid shame and embarrassment, and she is doing it at the expense of my feelings. This is precisely why she needs to do IC for infidelity asap. I explained to her that without sorting out her shame, she cannot heal herself. Also, she won't be qualified to help me heal either if she can't get past that dreadful shame. For God's sake, she is even reading book 'How to Help Your Spouse' and, yet, she somehow overlooked this very important detail.
She got a bit defensive after I raised my concerns. She kept saying that she was trying and needed more time. I told her strictly that I was willing to wait, provided she did what I asked her to do. I promised her that I had no desire in my heart to punish or humiliate her or take away her agency. Everything I have been asking her to do is with the pure intention of helping her heal and work through her issues to become a safer and better person. She again kept repeating that she was trying. I reminded her that we have reached a stalemate. Unless she figures out how to deal with her shame, we can't move forward. To give her some hope, I told her that I was able to reform myself many years ago only after dealing with my shame. I gave her a day to think about it. This is where we are at.
Firstly, what is this 'momentum' she is referring to?
A month ago, I was talking about divorce and wasn't interested in communicating with her. She thought she had fully lost me. Now, the reverse is happening. I am not talking about divorce. Communicating well with her. We have expressed our intent to work on ourselves and this marriage. We also started taking steps in that direction. That's what she meant by 'momentum'. We have broken out of our past limbo.
Your WW is not remorseful and is not ready for MC.
I am not sure about the remorse, but I am pretty sure she isn't ready for MC.
Right now your wife for sure isn’t and I highly doubt you are too. Her attempt at ending her life is making you move at 100 mph. She’s rushing your healing.
I agree.
If your MC asks you about how your behaviour contributed to the environment which made it conducive for your WW to have an affair, then ask her to replace you with your wife and affair with decision to beat your wife. That should shine a light on the victim blaming fallacy.
That's not a bad idea.
Firstly, what is this 'momentum' she is referring to?
A month ago, I was talking about divorce and wasn't interested in communicating with her. She thought she had fully lost me. Now, the reverse is happening. I am not talking about divorce. Communicating well with her. We have expressed our intent to work on ourselves and this marriage. We also started taking steps in that direction. That's what she meant by 'momentum'. We have broken out of our past limbo.
Your WW is not remorseful and is not ready for MC.
I am not sure about the remorse, but I am pretty sure she isn't ready for MC.
Right now your wife for sure isn’t and I highly doubt you are too. Her attempt at ending her life is making you move at 100 mph. She’s rushing your healing.
I agree.
If your MC asks you about how your behaviour contributed to the environment which made it conducive for your WW to have an affair, then ask her to replace you with your wife and affair with decision to beat your wife. That should shine a light on the victim blaming fallacy.
That's not a bad idea.
Then the unfaithful spouse grabs on to that with an iron fist to proclaim, "See! It was BOTH of our faults!"
So far, she hasn't blamed me for her affair. So I am not too sure if she will proclaim such thing.
Thank you for your posts. They have been a great help.