There maybe more toxicity towards the betrayed men in the forum but it’s almost exclusively coming from other men who either haven’t processed their shame or divorced immediately and feel that is the best and only path.
This all comes from this history of how genders have been made to believe throughout society far before you and I were the apple of anyone’s eye.
Men dominated. They made the money, they were the providers and the protectors. Women weren’t allowed to vote, to own property, or to even have a bank account. Now that women earn, can own property, have bank accounts, the paradigm has shifted. And I really think by and large many men have not caught up from that mentality, and are unaware of it. This doesn’t make them bad or unintelligent. We all have programming we are largely unaware of.
Women are programmed still to be pleasing and submissive. Maybe not in the younger generations as much, but is genX and above still have a lot of this sort of stuff happening.and it’s evident in the rate of divorce initiated by women is at 70 percent. It’s because we can’t keep up with all the roles that have been added when many never were taken away. We have taken on careers in the midst of still being expected to do the things we took the largest percentage of domesticated chores and parenting tasks.
I don’t think any of the men here think of their wives as servants or chattel, but when faced with infidelity there is some lizard brain reactions (not saying dumb, but our actual instinctual lizard brain that takes over in crisis) and suddenly - it’s "you can’t control your woman, you need to demand respect" and suddenly the wives are talked about as these objects like we are living in 1920 or something. It becomes this weird discussion of how men are the providers and women don’t appreciate that, they use you for a wallets that is so bizarre to me when we have long arrived into a time where we can support ourselves.
When you are a betrayed woman, we have been dealing with this a lot longer. Sure women cheated throughout history but not at the rates of men. Not until women went into the workforce, no longer had to rely on men to live. So I think it’s also partially because women have been seen as the cheated on not the cheaters until a more recent point in time. And there are sahm’s that cheat, so this isn’t like I am trying to say this is all women or all men. I am not trying to make generalizations here. When men cheat it’s a little more "yeah I hear you my old lady doesn’t put out either" when women cheat we are whores and home wreckers. ( I don’t like using that language but to me these words should apply to both genders if they are to be used at all) There is a lot more shaming of female ws than male ws, and it stands to reason the there is more outward shaming of men who are cheated on because "that isn’t natural for women to cheat". There must be something wrong with your wife and with you for staying.
Women get the "you must not have been meeting his needs. You must be fridg or cold or unloving" and everyone accepts that because the thought is men only cheat for sex.
Which brings me to the other gender complication. Because people believe men only cheat for sex (which is not true, there are lots of reasons men cheat and it has nothing to do with their wife), then they have a hard time thinking a woman wasn’t looking for sex as the main goal in the affair. So then they pile on about not pleasing her. And let’s not even go into how a non-virtuous woman is viewed as damaged goods, that no man should or could actually still want.
In other words some people are going to blame a bs for ws behavior for all sorts of unconscious reasons. But the reality is it’s not the bs’s fault. They should not carry shame for their spouses affair. They are not responsible for the other person’s behavior.
So I would definitely agree that perhaps the men in this forum get shamed worse by other men. But in reality, outside the forum, people blame the bw as much as they do the bh.
Anyway, that wasn’t the point of my initial response. I didn’t do a good job of quoting what I was really objecting to- that there is an emasculation that men experience that women don’t. It’s just not true. We don’t have words like cuckhold or emasculation- because historically women were just kind of made to put up with it. They couldn’t live on their own as easily as they could stay with the man. So if the man cheated, she knew the only way to keep her children fed and a roof over her head was to brush it under the rug and go on.
Truth is any bs can feel emasculated or cuckholded. And the heaping shame is doused on both sexes, it just may not play out in the forum like that. What I would love to see is as these next generations of men come through that they can relate to each other more widely in a compassionate way. Until then I am thankful we do have as many men who are compassionate in this forum (if not more) than those that exhibit toxic male traits.
I do not disagree that men and women experience infidelity differently. We have different historical context that has fed into our programming. But without buying into that programming (women should be virtuous and men will be men) I think the genders actually experience infidelity very similarly.
Most bs experience major hits to their self worth, feelings of security, have the specialness of the relationship ripped out from under them, experience mind movies, sexual dysfunction, grief, pain, worry about their sexual prowess, etc. We are in the same boat.
I wasn’t accusing you of being sexist. I was just trying to say just that- it’s more similar than you think. And at the same time every situation has its own uniqueness and circumstance.
We all heal better when we aren’t blaming ourselves for our ws behavior. When we lose the illusion we ever had control over their behavior at all.
[This message edited by hikingout at 6:57 PM, Monday, April 15th]