I am a new member here that was advised to post my story.
A lot has gone in the last 6 weeks so I will try and capture as best as I can. We have been together just over 10 years and have two young kids, we are NOT married, and currently still living in the same house.
6 weeks ago while drinking one evening she said her passion for us had disappeared which was a shock to me.
The following 2 weeks my mind and body was in fight or flight mode, quite horrible. We continued to regularly talk, saying how sorry she was with the situation, and she didn't know her feelings with how they had changed, including the line "she loves me though not in love with me".
I am more than happy to help her work through to the next phase of her life in any way I can, however my gut was screaming that there was more to this.
From losing her phone all the time around the house, to now it never leaving her side and being much more secretive caused alarm bells to ring, tied together with lots of texting that was quite secretive.
Some texts I was able to oversee were quite a few racy messages, suggesting she has been contact with someone. While I am so tempted to confront, I am trying to allow myself time to process and do the right thing for myself and our kids, and know the knock on effect, particularly as are going to be living together for the foreseeable future due to finances.
With her changing overnight with very little reasoning I started doing lots of reading, audiobooks listening, and Googling research and so many of the signs point to a mid-life crisis with how she changed since the bomb drop - emotionally and physically distanced, lying, change in clothing, "you deserve better", very emotional and teary with highs and lows, and just seeming like there's multiple personalities in there. There's a high chance of hormones (perimenopause) adding to the mix.
I've dug deep since this happened though now feel much more calmer and grounded. I've found myself a good therapist to deal with the initial trauma and started journaling.
While I have found a therapist, suggesting she finds a therapist for herself or as a couple was met with resistance.
I have been following much of the MLC advice on focusing on what I can control and working on myself, which I will carry on doing so.
If she is going through a MLC and I stand and wait for her, wondering if/when she comes out of the tunnel she'll have a reality check that we can then work through, though I know the timeframe on that is unknown, if at all. There is then the challenge of trust, and shattering what we had...she used to have such high integrity and honesty.
This feels like some crazy horror film that I play the main character.
Thanks for reading, and any thoughts you may share.
[This message edited by thoughtpoet58 at 3:04 PM, Monday, September 2nd]