I guess I need to continue to show myself some more grace and trust the process. I definitely think, I’m still in that "show me time" phase where I’m watching his actions and looking out for any potential red flags or "lessening"
of his efforts
I think you are exactly where you need to be. I know there is this other nagging feeling of showing him something in return. I think many of us are so programmed to meet the other persons work or have always had some steering tendencies because of being the more emotionally mature one in the relationship. This dynamic of healing while watching and waiting is new because it feels passive, but in my opinion is often needed to regain trust and securities in the relationship.
Since I was the ws first, my experience with letting go came more from that. And while it was very different in nature I do think that the results were similiar. A lot of my built resentments came from me feeling like I had to work myself to death in order to be loved. I was a people pleaser who at some point began blaming a lot of those tendencies on my husband.
Anyway, my therpist made me start sorting my "coulds" and "shoulds". And for some time I had to stop doing my "coulds" unless it was something I was motivated to do because I authentically wanted to do it. Which there were not many that I found to be that way. Through this exercise, it offloaded many responsibilities I felt I held to our relationship and family and let me start doing things out of sincerity.
So, the way I see the results being the same is that it eventually as I recovered from people pleasing it stopped making me feel guilty when he stepped in to do some of the things he likely should have been doing. (Not in the early days after dday I mean when we got to the point of working on the marriage)
I think likely you have done more of the driving for the management of the relationship and being passive and more self involved (not in a negative way) is uncomfortable. That need to reciprocate work is ingrained from years of that.
It’s uncomfortable to change the dynamics of the pre-a marriage and this drives you to want to accelerate, reward, etc.
However, by letting him bridge the gap that has always been there you have to see that as an opportunity for him to grow. And it’s a time that offers space for the marital dynamics to shift. You will be surprised by what letting him take the wheel more will do for both of you.
I do think SOME people need to fail hard and fall hard in order to force the growth and changes needed.
I agree with oldwounds because I think that was true for me, very much so. And I needed to stand on my own two feet and learn how to make amends for that, take accountability for what needed to change and follow through on it. If my husband saved me by trying to force himself to heal faster, it possibly would have created more of a smokescreen there. I needed to learn about the pain I caused, see the damage.
And I think it’s common around here to find some bs’s worry that will cause more problems or more burdens for their ws than they can bear. And to that I have said repeatedly - tough titty. The ws is the one who has gotten unhealthy and they need to bare the burden of getting healthy and getting the skills they need to deal with the situation.
I don’t mean that in a punishing way, but the ws needs to fully deal with the fallout, and by trusting them to do so can be a vulnerable feeling especially for those who have carried more of the work in the pre-A relationship.
I hope this makes sense. So, not only give yourself grace but know that not just fast tracking through something is beneficial for reconciliation. It allows the ws to become a safer partner or to demonstrate to you they aren’t getting there, it allows you to believe again in their love and commitment, and it helps shift the dynamics to where you both do work to make the marriage as good as it can be.
You are in a natural part of the process and recognizing that’s not a comfortable spot to sit in for anyone is hopefully helpful to you.
[This message edited by hikingout at 6:41 PM, Tuesday, January 14th]