Alright so the analogy would be addiction and thus the dire consequence would be withdrawal symptoms or maybe desperate(and perhaps illegal) actions taken to stave off withdrawal symptoms. Being healthy then, would mean that when you abstain(or are forced to abstain) you suffer no ill effects or minimal ill effects to the extent that your daily life and your over mental health is not disrupted. Ok, sure.
Still though, I think the definition is too strict and it misplaces its emphasis. I don't think that the core concept is wrong, but I do think the way it's delivered is. Here's the original quote plus sisoon's modification:
any need(or assumed need) for external validation in an adult is unhealthy.
This then is saying that to be healthy, an adult should suffer only minimal adverse effects even in the complete absence of external validation. That would mean that a person should be able to deal with:
no hugs and kisses from family
no "I love you honey/daddy/mommy" from family
no "thank you"'s from anyone
no acknowledgements from bosses or coworkers or anyone else
and still be able to maintain their mental health with minimal fuss; otherwise they aren't healthy. I think it should be pretty clear why I think this goes too far. I do think it is ok for a healthy person to need some minimum level of external validation and I'm pretty sure most (if not all) of you agree on some level.
Since we have the addiction analogy and also because what we're dealing with is, to a great(if not full) extent, an addiction problem, the message should be more like:
"Healthy adults don't addictively(or destructively) pursue external validation"
This allows for some base level of satiation of external validation while still communicating that needing far more than normal, or need ever increasing amounts, or being unable to properly deal with shortfalls, is indeed unhealthy.
I also have some other nitpicks against it. It doesn't parse well on first glance because it flips "want" and "need" from their typical presentations. "Need" is typically the legitimate desire while "want" is typically the superfluous one. And it comes across as elitist because it raises the bar of "healthy" so high.
Now for most people here this isn't really a problem because we've been here a while, we kinda all know what the meaning is even if the semantics are off. The reason I'm not just letting this storm peter out in the teacup is because I think this is more counterproductive than it first appears.
IMO SI and other places like it have 2 primary functions: provide information to BS/WS and provide external validation to BS/WS... and maybe some external invalidations to WS's in the form of 2x4's.
We even have a slogan for this:
"You have been heard"
Furthermore one piece of advice that we always provide to newcomers is: "keep posting". So unless we consider ourselves to be a whole bunch of external validation drug dealers(which actually describes AP's pretty well), it is appropriate for people to need some external validation and even moreso during times of crisis.
Imagine what happens when a newly betrayed comes here, posts in JFO, then while waiting for responses wanders into this thread and sees
any need(or assumed need) for external validation in an adult is unhealthy.
at best they'll be confused and at worst they'll feel ashamed for reaching out. If they stick around then, yeah, it'll all get sorted out, but why deal with that? why not just replace it?
[This message edited by mardandra at 7:13 AM, Wednesday, February 19th]