IMO, it's best to separate healing from the M's outcome.
You can heal from this trauma with the right help, but sometimes it requires ending the M.
R takes 2. One partner can't rebuild an M alone. R takes 2.
You heal you.
Your WS heals themself.
Together you (re)build your M.
R also takes time. You are not at all crazy to want R. Time will tell you what will happen to your M. I was encouraged by a number that Shirley Glass wrote in NOT "Just Friends": Among the couples she treated, 20% of those who started with the goal of R actually split. That means, I think, 80% of the couples she treated who said they wanted R stayed together.
R takes work, but if you both work on yourselves and the M, you've got a good shot at an M that serves you both, IMO.
1. Lies and deceit: you have to be almost sociopathic or going through a mental crisis to compartmentalize and treat someone this way. At the end of the day what my wife did to me was abuse and that hurts. Forgiving that, is almost a Herculean task.
The lying was the worst part of my W's A. But who says you have to forgive? You can R without forgiving. I say that because R is about the future, the M that you (re)build. It has to be built on honesty, IMO. If you're confident she's stopped lying and won't start again, that part of the puzzle is in place. Honesty is not enough for R, but it's a prereq.
2. The sexual acts. I asked for details, and boy I got em. I can’t say they were as bad of some other here. I can say im still grossed out. Intercourse still happened. Oral still happened.
Im having to get over those images too. Some days are harder than others.
You bet. Time will tell you what you want to do about it.
This may help:
3. Unsurety and emasculation. Being a confident person, this has put a damper on this confidence. I understand I have the choice to leave.
Sure. That's common. But ... do you still have all your parts? do they work? My guess is you answer those questions with 2 'yeses', which means you're not emasculated, even though you feel like it's happened.
BSes often feel humiliated and emasculated/defeminized, but the WS humiliated themself, and sexual abilities remain, although perhaps not with one's WS.
I’m giving my marriage a chance. Am I crazy? Maybe. I’m hoping I can heal through the trauma though.
Have faith in yourself. You can heal, survive, and thrive.