So it’s only Wednesday but I’m thankful.
Almost 3 years ago on discovery the pain I felt was awful. It took 2 and a half years to get myself in a better place. But I’m now in a better place.
So I’m thankful that I didn’t give up on myself. That I found a way through my darkest times.
Now my social circle is a lot bigger. I have people ring and text me all the while. I have met new people and reconnected with old. My husband was a huge priority to me before, maybe a 75% priority now he’s probably 5%. I do nice things for him but I spread my kindness around FAR more people.
I connect everywhere. Chat to everyone. I joined a new group. I have immersed myself in a new topic of interest. I’ve regained my rebellious stance on issues that matter to me
I’m thankful for all of this.
Thanks guys for reminding me that there are loyal, kind, generous people in the world. I wish I could hug you all, drink coffee and chat.
When it was really dark I used to remember some of your screen names and I thought about you (I’ve not shared my pain with anyone else except all you). It brought me comfort.
So Thankyou.
And to anyone reading this who is traumatised and feels it will never end. You will get through it. Light a candle, or listen to a song, or hold a favourite item or smell a favourite scent and remember there are good people out there who are loyal and kind and true. We are rooting for you.
[This message edited by Abcd89 at 2:17 PM, Wednesday, January 29th]